What You Will Learn

Day 1 Dov Simens

Independent Filmmaking. Basics
Micro & LowBudget Secrets.

Creating & Protecting Ideas.

Writing & Selling a Great. Screenplay

Directing Script, Cast & Crew.

Directing OnSchedule & OnBudget.

Directing 57 Pages per Day.

Casting Name Actors & Talent

Budgeting & Scheduling. Techniques

PreProduction, Paperwork & Planning.

HD/Digital Filmmaking. Costs & Savings

Shooting the 13 Week Features.

Selecting Camera Formats & 3D.

Hiring Crew & Renting Equipment

Lighting. Shooting & Sound Basics

Editing, Scoring & Lab Work.


Day 2 Dov Simens

Understanding the Hollywood System.
Producing a Marketable Project.

Financing $10K$50K MicroBudgets.

Financing 35 Week Union Features.

Financing $1,000,000$2,000,000 Feature.

PreSelling $2,000,000$10,000,000 Films.

Hiring Writers & Optioning Properties.

Government Funding Programs.

CoProduction Deals at Cannes & Sundance.

Crowd Funding Donations & Equity.

Working with Agents & Attorneys.

Attending Festivals & Winning Awards.

Securing Gross & Net Distributor Deals.

Cable/TV Deals & Sales.

OnDemand & PayPerView Revenues.

Maximizing Grosses & Profits.


Day 3 Various Facilitators

Getting your movies into cinemas – Ingrid Jahra

Professional International Standards – Rebecca Mahabir

Creating Caribbean Content for the African Continent – Janine Van Throo

Benefits of Filming in T&T – Film TT

Distribution Dealership – Jeff Brazzle Ivizion Entertainment

Digital Marketing and Social Media Marketing – Steven Edwards

AI and the Movie making business.